Thursday, 12 December 2013

One to One review

In order to meaure effectiveness of training programs, we have been trying to go a step above the traditional immediate reaction level feedback forms.In this connection for knowledge based programs, we conduct a pre & post test. Participants take a test immediately before a training  program and the same test is taken after completing the program. If a person scores 50 out of 100 in the pretest and 80 in the post test, you know that he has assimilated knowledge from the program.
We also have a one to one review with participants one month after the completion of training programs when the faculty reviews the retention level of learning by the  participants & the extent to which he or she is applying the learning at work or in  personal life.It is also an opportunity to ascertain as to whether the participants require any support for implimenting the learning at work As for example a participant may request us to recommend to his HOD to support him in applying a particular learning. After six months we have an online survey administered to the participant as also to his boss for assessing the extent to which the participant has been able to apply specific learning gained from the program in the day to day work.
The responses from participants during the one to one review sessions has   been   very satisfying.I would like to share here the feedback from participants who attended the "Networking" (a job competency)  program facilitated by me.This job competency program focuses on improving the networking within the department,with peers from other department and other external contacts like vendors if one's job demands it. The course content includes builing rapport and trust,understanding the internal customer's needs,better communication etc. 

This sharing of what transpired in  a one to one review  is just a sample & similar responses have been received in respect of all our programs. The aim of sharing this is to draw attention of everyone  to the fact that training & learning is not just about man days but something that can  really impact our effectiveness at work:- 
1)      “I am now looking at things from the customer’s priorities & point of view. Being a maintenance person , I have learnt not to get tensed up & pass on pressure to my juniors. Instead I talk to them of my requirements & improvements after  the crisis has been dealt with .
I communicate better with my counterpart in other shifts & explain personally instead of just jotting down the issues in the log alone. This initiative helped in avoiding a breakdown which could have been for 4 to 5 hours.”
2)      “I am now interacting more with my internal customer and developed good rapport. “The win as much as you can” activity has enhanced my desire to collaborate  with other departments for overall good of company”
3)      “After the program, I am giving more support & respect to vendors, having realized the importance of their contribution to our success.”
4)      Earlier  even when I come to know that a maintenance issue has come up, I request that it be referred through proper channel through my superiors. Now I start the process of attending to the work & the formalities are completed subsequently.”
5)      I now listen more to subordinates, even apprentices and encourage them to share their opinions. Feedback from them such as grease is flowing from a machine enables issues from not becoming big problems later..
6)      After the training, I became observant of the dominant nature of others-whether visual, auditory or kinesthetic and appropriately behave with them to enhance rapport. ‘

I now also communicate freely with boss without fear. I also discuss with colleagues  more & plan better  and get better results. My personal life has also benefited since I make it a point to spend at least an hour per day with family.”.
7)      “I am now interacting more freely  with the boss and reduced arguments with him”
8)      I am now able to get solutions through discussions, listening more to people & supporting them started understanding the real needs & problems of my internal customer and visit him often to sort out issues.  Interestingly they are also now more than willing to come down & discuss issues. .

9)      I improved relationship with peer department counterparts by taking the initiative to understand by ‘pacing’ with them .

  Exercises like these which seek to measure effectiveness of training enhances our credibilty as L&D professionals and would lead to our customers taking us more seriously.Our experience shows that when the internal customer is genuinely convinced that we can meaningfully contribute to their effectiveness, they are eager to avail  and benefit from  our services. 


  1. Nice Article.. Being an L&D professional, effectiveness of the programs conducted and ROI on Training is a critical aspect one needs to look upon. However, sir do you think in hectic schedules employees take out time for one-to one review on each training conducted ? especially in an organisation where on an average 8 to 10 programs are conducted in a year?

  2. Thank you Jisha for responding. what we have done is to categorize our programs as "Job competency programs" and "other programs". For all job competency programs we are essentially conducting this review. These days we are doing very few "other programs". so in effect most programs get covered.If there is a will, we will be able to do it as borne out by our experience.This is the only way we can get our customers to take us seriously and also have the satisfaction that the learning we imparted is being productively utilized.
    Do try it out initially for the key programs & you will see soon that it has become a habit! best wishes.

  3. One suggestion for getting the support & compliance is to make this feature a part of your training policy.In our training policy recently modified & notified one to one review will happen after 1 month in respect of all job competency programs & a on line survey (using monkey survey) will happen after 3 months from the program for all programs declared as high impact ( those administered as a group to new managers/ future leaders etc as also programs involving huge investment in terms of money and time). Once notified as a policy, it has the blessings of top management and you get compliance from the departments

  4. Wonderful article and great initiative taken by rajeev sir by introducing "job competency programs" . Getting review in one to one meeting with employees will definitely an advantage. It bridges the gap between expected performance and actual performance of the employees wihile performing job responsibilities.
