Monday 5 August 2024

Two of My Favourite Quotes


Preamble: Participating in the "Daily write Blogchatter challenge during February 2024, I mostly wrote in my personal journal with the objective of  using it for a future book. However, on a couple of days, to experiment with variety I chose to write on the prompts suggested  by Blogchatter  for the challenge. Here, I am writing on the prompt "Elaborate on two of your favourite quotes. 

(1) It is not people that are a company's principal asset, it is the enthusiasm of its people- Jack Welch, former CEO General Electric

As a person who has worked in Human Resources department in public and private companies for many years, I can vouch that clique statements are often made such as “People are our greatest asset and we constantly take care and nurture them.” Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric, on the other hand is not being politically correct here mouthing the usual line.

He says that it is not about having human assets but an asset that is charged up and enthusiastic to ‘go for it’. Looked at this way, to my mind it also implies the big role of HR, senior management and influencers in the company should play to keep the people enthusiastic. Enthusiasm and motivation of employees are the true driving forces behind a company's success.

Let us discuss the quote in more detail:

1. Emphasis on Enthusiasm: The word "enthusiasm" is more than just a positive attitude; it represents a deep sense of passion, commitment, and energy toward the company's mission and goals. When employees are genuinely enthusiastic about their work and the organization they serve, they become more innovative, productive, and dedicated to achieving excellence.

2. Cultivating a Positive Work Culture:
 Facilitating enthusiasm would mean providing and cultivating a positive and supportive work culture within the organization. A culture that fosters enthusiasm also encourages collaboration, creativity, and a sense of belonging among employees. It motivates individuals to go far beyond their basic job responsibilities and actively contribute to the company's success.

3. Empowering Employees: In order to sustain enthusiasm, it is important to empower employees by providing them with the necessary resources, autonomy, and opportunities for growth and development. Enthusiastic employees are more likely to take ownership of their work, demonstrate initiative, and strive for continuous improvement.

4. Driving Organizational Performance: The quote underscores the point that sustainable competitive advantage comes not only from technological advancements or strategic decisions but also from the collective enthusiasm, dedication, and talent of the workforce. Enthusiastic employees drive innovation, customer satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.

As a person who worked and retired in an industrial scenario and particularly the fact that it was in the functional area of HR, the quote throws up many interesting insights on why and how we could generate and retain the enthusiasm of people for driving success of the organization.

(2) Youth is not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the ease of life- Robert Kennedy, Former US Senator

As a senior citizen retired from formal working, the above quote serves as a motivator keeping me active and young at heart and mind. Today, I keep myself engaged with a number of activities like blogging, recording songs for my you tube channel, participating in the on line Zoom sessions of "Seniors Today" club  that have programs on almost all days of the week on varied activities like discussions, singing, health, arts & craft, drama etc.

The primary point in the quote is the assertion that youthfulness is not merely determined by chronological age but rather by one's mindset, attitude, and approach to life. Here's an elaboration on each aspect of the quote:

1. Youth as a State of Mind: The quote implies that regardless of age, individuals can maintain a youthful outlook by staying curious, open-minded, and optimistic.

2. Temper of the Will: This phrase refers to the determination, resilience, and strength of character that often characterize youth. It highlights the importance of having a strong will and the ability to persevere in the face of challenges, which are qualities commonly associated with youthfulness.

3. Quality of Imagination: Youth is often associated with creativity, innovation, and the ability to think outside the box. The quote suggests that maintaining a youthful mindset involves nurturing and harnessing one's imagination to explore new ideas, possibilities, and solutions to problems.

4. Predominance of Courage over Timidity: Youth is often characterized by a willingness to take risks, step out of one's comfort zone, and embrace new experiences. This part of the quote emphasizes the importance of courage in youthfulness, suggesting that being young at heart means being bold, adventurous, and unafraid of failure or uncertainty.

5. Appetite for Adventure over the Ease of Life: This phrase contrasts the desire for excitement, growth, and exploration with the temptation to choose comfort, security, and predictability. It suggests that maintaining a youthful outlook involves seeking out new adventures, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth, rather than settling for a stagnant or complacent existence.

In essence, the quote celebrates the spirit of youthfulness as a mindset characterized by curiosity, resilience, creativity, courage, and a thirst for adventure. It reminds us that regardless of age, we can choose to approach life with the same enthusiasm, energy, and optimism that define the essence of youth. 

Going forward, I would like to explore implementing other aspects of the quote to lead a more fulfilling life. It is not surprising that this is one of my favourite quotes as it resonates with my own outlook of life.

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