Tuesday 27 August 2024

Workplace Mental Health- The 360 Degrees solution

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

The objective of the July monthly meeting of NHRD Bangalore chapter held on 27th June 2024 at the St Josephs Institute of Management, was  to have a comprehensive discussion on holistic approaches to workplace mental health. The presentation on the subject was made by a team of doctors from the Fortis hospital Group Bangalore, which included Dr Kamna Chhibber, Head Mental Health, Dr Sachin Baliga, Psychiatrist, Dr Samir Parikh, Chairman, Fortis National Mental Health Program and Mr Saurav Banerjee Founder & CTO. The discussion was moderated by Ms Divya Jain. In this blog I will cover the gist of the evening's proceedings rather than dwell on who said what.

In his welcome note, Mr Akshay Oleti, the Vice President and Business Head of Fortis Hospitals Bangalore gave general information on the facilities offered by Fortis in its 5 locations in Bangalore (Bannerghatta road, Cunningham road, Nagarbhavi, Rajajinagar and Richmond road) together offering a capacity of 400 beds. The hospitals has state of the art infrastructure, 150 expert doctors, 800 para medical staff and provide super specialty care.

In the contemporary times we live in,  stress and anxiety have increased manifold times. Around 15% of the workforce have mental health issues. Yet, mental health is not discussed as much as it should be . Mental health issues impact productivity in a big way. Globally, around 12 billion working days are lost annually due to depression & anxiety alone. In terms of productivity the loss is 1 trillion $ US annually. 

Different people show different signs of mental ill health. What may seem an ordinary issue to one person may matter a lot to another. Some of the matters that can adversely affect one's mental health are a break up, loss of a loved one, financial crisis/ loss of job etc. What we need to do is to look out for signs. Has the person become more withdrawn, irritable or snappy of late? Is he/she taking more offs from work? , not contributing as earlier or not as energetic ? Look- Listen- and Link.  

Look out for signs such as any change in the way of communicating or a change in the problem solving approach or whether the person has become more pessimistic. Once the signs are noticed, the next step is to ask relevant open ended questions and listen actively to understand the underlying problem. "I notice you are not active as before, is there anything that is bothering you?".    

The next important step in the process is to link the employee to the right resource that can address it. This could be linking to a friend, colleague, senior manger, an inhouse counsellor or an external expert. Employees are more engaged when they feel that the system is interested in them - that the employer and the system cares. Actively listening, removing blame from the conversation, respecting ideas, encouraging free & open conversation, providing support and showing appreciation are all important elements of the process. An important question that needs to be asked is "What can I do in this regard?" to support the employee.  

In the case of physical health issues, the problem is obvious as  it manifests in forms such as physical pain or difficulty to breathe. This may not be the case of mental health issues where the disability may be invisible, not immediately known to the patient or to the others around. Add to this aspects such as social stigma and the matter gets more complicated with the person reluctant to come out with his/her problems. These days we also have to deal with this phenomenon of "Toxic Positivity" with pressure on people to project only one emotion namely 'Happiness'. All other emotions are muted or swept under the carpet or such emotions are not taken seriously even if expressed. 

When mental issues are not taken seriously or addressed, it could take the form of serious mental illness (SMI) with symptoms from loss of sleep, loss of appetite, depression, disruption of day to day life, not able to take care of self, cause harm to self and others (5% of the population of patients are known to cause harm). Patients may have feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and a lack of will to live. 25% of patients diagnosed with mental illness  also have diabetes. The symptoms of 30% of the patients worsened during the Covid period. It is important to take your problem seriously and discuss them openly. It is also important to be active, maintain activities and ensure that there is no relapse of the issue. Early identification and intervention is key for effective resolution of mental health issues. 

During the presentation, it was pointed out that today we have the advantage of  artificial intelligence (AI) for early screening and for recommending appropriate solutions for the patients such as  whether expert help is necessary at a particular stage. The process involved here is Awareness- Screening- Guidance.

Work place psychiatry has increasingly become important on account of the rising pressure on employees at the workplace with each passing year. A market study was mentioned, according to which as many as 40% of employees are considering putting in their papers due to their inability to cope up with the pressure of work. Toxic work culture is driving attrition.

Use of AI has become inevitable as the existing number of  mental health professionals are inadequate to deal with the 950 million population of the workforce. By the screening process done by AI, the mental health professional can concentrate on serving the 15% of employees who require clinical management. AI also makes possible repetition of screening and follow up. 

In the absence of this technology, one would have to make do with self management which would be very inadequate given the complications of SMI (Serious mental illness) discussed earlier. The AI chatbot Stella used by Fortis hospital gives nonjudgmental  empathy at the first level. It engages with the client to understand his/her intent, with 95% accuracy. It is found that after screening, intervention becomes necessary in approximately 1 out of 22 persons. 

This evidence based self help makes available affordable access to mental health at the workplace. The objective is to reach maximum people by a standardized process with the help of AI. The technology enables clinicians to better explain the reasons for coming to an assessment. The interaction with Stella can be done in your mother tongue or preferred language . Further, in view of the DPDP Act of 2023 the privacy of digital personal data protection is also ensured. 

The entire gamut of the treatment process of mental health includes (1) Self management (2) Screening (3) Clinical management and (4) Relapse management. Today a very effective 360 degrees solution is available with help from the latest technology of AI. The evening interaction was very informative  and enlightening for me. 

It is hoped that the readers would also find reading this blog a rewarding experience. 

Monday 5 August 2024

Two of My Favourite Quotes


Preamble: Participating in the "Daily write Blogchatter challenge during February 2024, I mostly wrote in my personal journal with the objective of  using it for a future book. However, on a couple of days, to experiment with variety I chose to write on the prompts suggested  by Blogchatter  for the challenge. Here, I am writing on the prompt "Elaborate on two of your favourite quotes. 

(1) It is not people that are a company's principal asset, it is the enthusiasm of its people- Jack Welch, former CEO General Electric

As a person who has worked in Human Resources department in public and private companies for many years, I can vouch that clique statements are often made such as “People are our greatest asset and we constantly take care and nurture them.” Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric, on the other hand is not being politically correct here mouthing the usual line.

He says that it is not about having human assets but an asset that is charged up and enthusiastic to ‘go for it’. Looked at this way, to my mind it also implies the big role of HR, senior management and influencers in the company should play to keep the people enthusiastic. Enthusiasm and motivation of employees are the true driving forces behind a company's success.

Let us discuss the quote in more detail:

1. Emphasis on Enthusiasm: The word "enthusiasm" is more than just a positive attitude; it represents a deep sense of passion, commitment, and energy toward the company's mission and goals. When employees are genuinely enthusiastic about their work and the organization they serve, they become more innovative, productive, and dedicated to achieving excellence.

2. Cultivating a Positive Work Culture:
 Facilitating enthusiasm would mean providing and cultivating a positive and supportive work culture within the organization. A culture that fosters enthusiasm also encourages collaboration, creativity, and a sense of belonging among employees. It motivates individuals to go far beyond their basic job responsibilities and actively contribute to the company's success.

3. Empowering Employees: In order to sustain enthusiasm, it is important to empower employees by providing them with the necessary resources, autonomy, and opportunities for growth and development. Enthusiastic employees are more likely to take ownership of their work, demonstrate initiative, and strive for continuous improvement.

4. Driving Organizational Performance: The quote underscores the point that sustainable competitive advantage comes not only from technological advancements or strategic decisions but also from the collective enthusiasm, dedication, and talent of the workforce. Enthusiastic employees drive innovation, customer satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.

As a person who worked and retired in an industrial scenario and particularly the fact that it was in the functional area of HR, the quote throws up many interesting insights on why and how we could generate and retain the enthusiasm of people for driving success of the organization.

(2) Youth is not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the ease of life- Robert Kennedy, Former US Senator

As a senior citizen retired from formal working, the above quote serves as a motivator keeping me active and young at heart and mind. Today, I keep myself engaged with a number of activities like blogging, recording songs for my you tube channel, participating in the on line Zoom sessions of "Seniors Today" club  that have programs on almost all days of the week on varied activities like discussions, singing, health, arts & craft, drama etc.

The primary point in the quote is the assertion that youthfulness is not merely determined by chronological age but rather by one's mindset, attitude, and approach to life. Here's an elaboration on each aspect of the quote:

1. Youth as a State of Mind: The quote implies that regardless of age, individuals can maintain a youthful outlook by staying curious, open-minded, and optimistic.

2. Temper of the Will: This phrase refers to the determination, resilience, and strength of character that often characterize youth. It highlights the importance of having a strong will and the ability to persevere in the face of challenges, which are qualities commonly associated with youthfulness.

3. Quality of Imagination: Youth is often associated with creativity, innovation, and the ability to think outside the box. The quote suggests that maintaining a youthful mindset involves nurturing and harnessing one's imagination to explore new ideas, possibilities, and solutions to problems.

4. Predominance of Courage over Timidity: Youth is often characterized by a willingness to take risks, step out of one's comfort zone, and embrace new experiences. This part of the quote emphasizes the importance of courage in youthfulness, suggesting that being young at heart means being bold, adventurous, and unafraid of failure or uncertainty.

5. Appetite for Adventure over the Ease of Life: This phrase contrasts the desire for excitement, growth, and exploration with the temptation to choose comfort, security, and predictability. It suggests that maintaining a youthful outlook involves seeking out new adventures, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth, rather than settling for a stagnant or complacent existence.

In essence, the quote celebrates the spirit of youthfulness as a mindset characterized by curiosity, resilience, creativity, courage, and a thirst for adventure. It reminds us that regardless of age, we can choose to approach life with the same enthusiasm, energy, and optimism that define the essence of youth. 

Going forward, I would like to explore implementing other aspects of the quote to lead a more fulfilling life. It is not surprising that this is one of my favourite quotes as it resonates with my own outlook of life.

Saturday 29 April 2023

Zero Based Budgeting

Traditionally, when we make budgets ; the income and expenditure of the previous year is eaxmined. Some adjustments providing for inflation or other expected events are made and the new budget emerges. This is true whether it is a family budget or that of an organization or country. However, under Zero based budgeting, the new budget starts with zero for the various projects and activities. All expenditure, for each of the activity, is required to be calculated and the need for the expenditure justified. Zero-based budgeting puts the onus on managers to justify expenses. This is in contrast to the traditional budgeting wherein only new expenditures are required to be justified ( not the old, recurring expenditure). In recent years, many Fortune 500 and private equity companies have adopted this budgeting technique.

Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) was developed and implemented by Peter Phyrr. former Texas Instruments account manager in his company in the 1960s. It is a methodology that helps to align company spending with strategic goals. It requires you to verify & satisfy that all components of the annual budget are cost-effective, relevant, and drive improved savings. Every function within an organization is analyzed for its needs and costs. The budgets are then built around what is needed for the upcoming period. Zero-based budgeting helps managers to achieve lower costs in the company.

Under ZBB, Individual unit's objectives are aligned with the corporate objectives. Instant adjustments in the budget are possible if required. All the levels of the organization participate in the process of decision making. The benefits of ZBB include focused operations, lower costs, budget flexibility, and strategic execution. It helps lower costs by avoiding blanket increases or decreases to a previous period's budget. As for example, Instead of blindly increasing the budget by a certain percentage and masking the cost increase, the company can identify alternative solutions like deciding to make a part inhouse or buy the part from the external supplier for its end products, based on the comparive cost involved.

However, ZBB implementation is a time-consuming process that takes much longer than traditional, cost-based budgeting. Therefore, the costs of the process itself in terms of resources, time and effort must be weighed against the savings expected on its implementation. Further, you also dependent on the cooperation and efficacy of other departments which may not be able to adequately calculate/ measure their needs for the entire year. ZBB tends to give priority to areas that achieve direct revenues or production, since their contribution can be more easily justified unlike departments such as service or Research & Development. This could end up compromising the 'important' matters for the 'urgent' matters, with adverse implications in the long run .

In conclusion, it is to be stated that ZBB has advantages as also limitations. It is a technique used predominantly by companies, but can be used by individuals and families as well. The benefits have to be weighed by organizations to arrive at a suitable decision on implementation appropriate to the company. In India ZBB was first implemented in the Department of Science and Technology in the year 1983. GOI had introduced the concept in the state of Manipur. ZBB was promoted during the Seventh Five-Year Plan. The government had made it mandatory for all ministries to review their programs and activities and prepare expenditure estimates based on the ZBB concept. However, presently it has limited application in the country. 

Friday 28 April 2023

Year over Year

Year over year (YOY), also refered some times, as 'Year on year" is a comparitive measure that studies the financial performance of a company- Whether it is improving, is static or worsening. To properly quantify a company’s performance, it is advisable to compare revenue and profits ,YOY. As for example the third quarter revenues of a company may be compared for the last three years on a YOY basis and reach a conclusion that the revenues have increased for the quarter.

What is interesting here is that the results for one period is compared with those of 'a comparable period' on an annualized basis. This is considered more informative than a month-to-month comparison. Sales, profits, and other financial metrics change during different periods of the year because most lines of business have a peak season and a low demand season. As for example, the sale of cars increase during November, festive season such as Deepavali. Hence a YOY comparison should be made with the November sales of previous years to arrive at an acurate picture. Comparing it with the sales of May or June can be misleading.

Common YOY comparisons include annual, quarterly as well as monthly performance. YOY measurements facilitate the cross comparison of sets of data. A financial analyst or an investor can compare years of first-quarter revenue data and quickly ascertain whether a company’s revenue is increasing or decreasing. By comparing the same months in different years, it is possible to draw accurate comparisons despite the seasonal nature of consumer behavior.

If an investor looks at a retailer’s results in the fourth quarter versus the previous third quarter, it might appear that the company is undergoing unprecedented growth while in reality seasonality has played a role (peak holiday shopping season happens in the fourth quarter of the year). Similarly, a comparison of the fourth quarter with the following first quarter may give the impression of a dramatic decline, when this could also be a result of seasonality. YOY comparison gives the accurate picture and is also valuable for investment portifolios, enabling investors to see how performance changes across time. YOY is commonly used to not only compare a company's growth in terms of profits and revenue but also understand yearly changes in an economy's money supply, gross domestic product ( GDP ) and other economic parameters.

Another measurement that is used for comparison is Year to date (YTD). Here, while YOY examines a 12 month change, YTD looks at a change relative to the beginning of the year (usually Jan1st). Ofcourse, you can as per specific need, calculate month over month or quarter over quarter, in the similar way of the computing YOY.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023  

Thursday 27 April 2023



As we are almost near the finishing line of the #Blogchatter A2Z challenge 2023, I have to deal with writing on the tough last 3 alphabets namely'X' , 'Y' and 'Z". As HR subjects do not come immediately to mind, I am writing on topics relevant from the economic or business point of view. Today for the alphabet 'X' I am writing on X- Efficiency.

Normally, in a competitive market, organizations are compelled to work as efficiently as possible in order to ensure sufficient profits and survival in the long run. However, the situation may not be the same if there is no competition with the operators being a monopoly or a duopoly. Economist Harvey Leibenstein challenged the belief of the traditional neoclassical economists who assumed that even when the markets were not efficient, companies behaved rationally and maximised production & productivity at the lowest possible costs. Leibenstein pointed out that a company that is a monopoly tends to have lower efficiency as they are assured of market even when operating inefficiently. He called the efficiency in such a scenario as 'Unknown' or X- Efficiency which is influenced by human nature.

The theory reminded me of some of the companies in the public sector in India prior to liberalization. As they were monopolies, they did not bother to work efficiently. Price was fixed at the cost of production + profit. As for example Hindustan cables Hyderabad which manufactured telephone cables was a monopoly prior to the entry of other players post liberalization. If the cost of production was Rs100, the price would be fixed at Rs100 + Rs 20 =  Rs 120 (price)If cost of production increased due to more scrap & other poor parameters , then price would be fixed thus: Rs 150 (cost of production) + 20 (profit) =  170 (price). Company is not motivated to work to its maximum potential as profit is assured, no matter how efficiently you work.

In the absence of real competition, companies are more tolerant of inefficiencies in their operations. The concept of x-efficiency is used to estimate how much more efficient a company would be in a more competitive environment. The theory suggests that in the best interests of the organization, an entrepreneur work towards filling the gap between X- Efficiency and the potential efficiency of the company in a competitive environment.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023  

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Workplace Wellness

Workplace wellness refers to an organization's health promotion initiatives, policies and activities for fostering positive employee health and behaviour. It may take various forms such as health check up screening, fitness programs, health education, providing health care memberships in gyms/ yoga institutes etc. It involves investment of not only money but also time and commitment to the cause. After all, healthy employees tend to perform better, take initiative, improve productivity, and manage time efficiently. It also boosts employee morale, enhances job satisfaction, prevents loss of time due to illness, stress or absenteeism. In short, workplace wellness is beneficial for both the company and employees.

Work place wellness is relatively a novel concept; it is yet to be taken seriously and given the importance it deserves.. In India some companies have tied up with hospitals for annual medical check up for their executive level employees. Few companies, where the union had demanded for it, have extended it to the non executive employees as well. Beyond that, nothing much has been done to view "Wellness" as an important factor that impacts not only employee welfare but also company productivity and results. In our discussion during this A2Z challenge of #Blogchatter, we have been seeing how all the topics discussed are inter-related and contribute holistically to the success of an organization.

It is when disasters like that of Covid 19 hits that we realize the importance of having a good health system in place, at the company level. Further, in the present times, the employees are under a lot more mental pressure at work than earlier times. They have to content with not only additional pressure at work but also deal with family challenges of bringing up children with both parents working, keeping up with the joneses and having to look good on social media. The wellness program of the company would be a boon helping to alleviate the pressure to a considerable extent.

Identifying the health status of employees engaged in potentially risky operations in a manufacturing plant through periodical health check up (annually for others) followed by treatment, educating employees on how to stay healthy, including avoiding unhealthy behaviours like is a good starting point for a wellness initiative. Wellness programs can include awareness programs on the ill effects of smoking/drinking, weight management, stress caused by both work and personal related factors, depression etc. as also classes for physical fitness, yoga and mindfulness.

The 9 dimensions of 'wellness' are physical, emotional, financial, spiritual, social, career, intellectual, creative and environmental. Support in each of these areas will go a long way in ensuring the wetness of employees. The bane of the modern day living is a lack of connectedness. Humans, being social animals, require opportunities to feel connected with each other. Organizations can provide opportunities for social interaction at work and also by conducting sports and cultural activities inter-departmentally on special occasions like the Foundation day of the company. Employees can be encouraged to value rest and recreation providing them time and place for relaxation and meditation ( The initiatives/practices of Ace Manufacturing Systems, Bangalore can be read here).

The 'wellness' initiative should be spearheaded by a dedicated team that includes company doctor and other members with relevant experience. The wellness team can chalk out an annual program and allotted budget for the various activities during the year. Counselling facilities is an important requirement to help employees deal with stress. The wellness team may take support of outside experts such as a life style coach or a nutritionist from time to time. The lifestyle coach can address specific issues such as depleted energy levels, sleep deprivation, lack of social life, bad personal habits like smoking & drinking, lack of a feeling of being motivated at work etc.

It is not as if one size fits all. The company's wellness team in consultation with employees can come up with the unique 'wellness' needs and issues of the organization which can then be addressed. The team can also track progress of the health targets and measure benefits accrued in terms of productivity and other parameters. A successful wellness program should have a blend of activities that address the 9 various dimensions of wellness mentioned earlier (physical, emotional, financial, spiritual, social, career, intellectual, creative and environmental).  

Tuesday 25 April 2023

Values Core to Your organization

A human being who has been taught or imbibed values in life on his own is very clear as to what is important and cannot be compromised. As for example, a person for whom, the value of honesty and integrity is high on his list of core values will not need to think twice, before turning down a dishonest proposition. Life becomes a lot easier with clarity and certainity when you have your 'core values' as the guiding light when faced with tough decisions.

Similarly, an organization that has declared and is living its core values will be able to handle conflicting internal/ external pressures and wade through seemingly difficult and turbulent economic storms with relative ease. These guiding principles and fundamental beliefs enshrined in the "Core values" help employees to function together as a team and work toward a common business goal. Business relationships, customer relationships, and company growth are all tied to the corporate values of the company.

The mission (discussed in detail in the last post titled "Ultimate purpose of an organization"), vision and the core/ corporate values (together) of a company determine the culture of the organization (click here for organization culture blog). 

It is seen that even the so called 'experts' have differing views on what is a  'mission' and a 'vision'. Some attribute the reason for existance of the intitution to the 'Mission' statement while others link it to 'vision'. However , they agree that one of the two terms gives the broad purpose/reason for existance and the other the destination and how you plan to reach there. I have accepted the position that the latter refers to the 'vision'. A reading of the mission and vision statements  of Tesla given below would give a fairly clear idea: 

Mission: To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy.
Vision: To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world's transition to electric vehicles.

To sum up, along with the mission and vision of the company corporate/core values have a very imporatnt role in shaping the destiny of the organization. They determine an organization's internal and external standards and the behaviour of employees amongst themselves, with customers and external agencies. The core values of Hyundai Motor Company where I worked last, prior to retirement are (1) Customer (2) Challenge (3) Globality (4) Collaboration and (5) People.

The said values inspire employees to keep in mind the 'customer's interest' in what ever they do. The company expects its individual employee and teams to challenge themselves to achieve greater heights. As for example if a project was commissioned in two years, employees are motivated by the "Challenge" core value to do it in a year or one and half years. Similarly the "Globality" value inspires employees to think globally and maintain global standards in whatever they do. "Collaboration" is an important core value that team members practice to achieve big results. People orientation and behaviour is ensured by the "People" core value.

Integrity, respect, innovation, and drive are held important core values by many organizations while others hold inclusion, ownership, trust and transparency as vital and significant. What is important is to have core values suitable to your organization, the ones that represent you, your mission and vision the most. The ones to which the employees and stakeholders relate to easily. The values that best represent your brand.

In this connection, after coming up with some core values based on your basic objectives as an organization, consult your employees and take their feedback. Do they also think the said values are important ? At the end of the day it is the employees who would be translating them into their day to day work. The procedures, processes and work flows would be determined by these values. They have implications for both employees and customer experiences.Therefore the buy in of employees is very crucial for successful adoption of core values in the day to day work. Further, you can look at the values adopted by competitors that have worked for them. Have they missed out on something which you can include?

It is advisable to limit the number of core values to around five. Too many can be confusing and difficult to practice. They can always be modified later to suit contemporary situations if necessary. Employees work best when their personal values are in sync with the company values as they have a sense of belongingness and tend to naturally and spontaneously own the goals of the company. 

I would like to conclude this post with the observations of authors Jim Collins and Jerry Porras whose 1994 book "Built to Last" drew attention to the phenomenon that companies that lasted for many years had a set of principles called "core values" that they strictly practiced. Speaking of core values they said "Being inherent and sacrosanct; they can never be compromised, either for convenience or short term economic gain. Corporate core values may reflect the values of the company's founders."  

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023